When dealing with the aftermath of a serious illness, injury, or long-term debilitating condition, your day-to-day function changes. You wonder what can help you enjoy a good quality of life. Physical medicine, or physiatry, helps people live well with deficits through non-surgical treatments, therapies, education and in short, a whole-person supportive approach to care and […]
Physical Medicine in Watertown NY
A Comprehensive Guide to Physical Medicine
Physical medicine and rehabilitation, also known as physiatry, is a medical specialty that is focused on helping people with physical impairment, disabilities, or injuries. Physical medicine is rooted in physical therapy, and the doctors who practice physical medicine are called physiatrists. Physiatrists provide integrated, multidisciplinary care to help patients with disabilities recover. They address a […]
Can Physical Medicine Physicians Prescribe Medicine?
Physical medicine physicians are doctors who specialize in diagnosing and treating patients with musculoskeletal (bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles), neurological, and other disorders that affect function and mobility. Physical medicine physicians are also called physiatrists, and they can pinpoint the source of your pain and disability through various methods and treat them using an […]