NCOG, CAH, and CHMC Stand United Under NSHA for Community-Centric Care Carthage Area Hospital (CAH), Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center (CHMC), and the North Country Orthopaedic Group (NCOG), all members of the North Star Health Alliance (NSHA), proudly stand at the forefront of orthopedic excellence, driven by our renowned orthopedic surgeons, Dr. Nata Parnes, Dr. Carolyn Hettrich, […]
orthopedic surgeon
Carpal Tunnel Surgery Recovery Tips
The purpose of carpal tunnel surgery is to relieve pressure on the median nerve, which is compressed in the wrist and causing debilitating pain, weakness, and numbness. This nerve normally rests comfortably inside a tunnel through the wrist called the carpal tunnel, but the compression causes carpal tunnel syndrome – so the pressure may be […]
Recurrent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome is an issue commonly associated with people who have jobs that require frequent and intricate movements. Most people think this condition only applies to those with office jobs, such as typists. However, there are many other occupations, hobbies, and activities that cause this condition. Some examples include athletes, knitters, painters, mechanics, musicians, […]
When Is Total Joint Replacement Recommended?
Having a total joint replacement is most often recommended for people who have advanced arthritis in the joint – so advanced that it causes chronic or debilitating pain. This is most often due to osteoarthritis, or wear-and-tear arthritis (or just “arthritis”), in which the protective cartilage in the joint has worn down to the point […]
How Long Does a Total Joint Replacement Last?
Total joint replacement surgery is one of the biggest leaps in modern medicine. Thanks to the incredible advances in surgical technology and techniques, it has become one of the most popular and consistently successful surgeries performed in the field of orthopedics. Millions of people who have suffered from debilitating arthritis in the hip, knee, and […]
Why the North Country Orthopaedic Group is the Best Choice for You and Your Family
At North Country Orthopaedic Group, we have set the benchmark for orthopedic surgery and nonsurgical care in Northern New York since our inception in 1959. Because the field of orthopedics is constantly changing and growing, we strive to keep abreast of the latest developments to continually stay true to our mission. We are committed to […]
Common Sports Injuries in the Winter
When wintertime comes, people dust off their sleds, skis, and skates, and enjoy the crisp air while engaging in their favorite activities on the ice and snow. This season brings joy and adventure amid the winter chill. But winter sports bring the possible risk of accident or injury. These especially tend to happen due to […]
Acute Knee Pain and Chronic Knee Pain: There’s a Difference
Your knee is a vital joint that supports much of your weight. Most of the time, you don’t usually need to give your knees a second thought. However, the constant pressure on the knees makes them vulnerable to disease and injury, causing varying degrees of pain or decreased functionality. Although knee pain comes in many […]
An Overview of Total Joint Replacement
If you’re like most people, you might think of joint replacement as a modern medical miracle when, in fact, it has been performed by orthopedic surgeons since the early 20th century. What is significant, however, is the advancements that have been made in total joint replacement technology in recent decades, enabling millions of people who […]
When to Visit an Orthopedic Surgeon
Most people who develop a musculoskeletal issue tend to wait it out and just treat their injury at home. While this may be sufficient for very mild injuries, most do warrant the assessment of an orthopedic specialist to ensure that the injury heals properly and that complications are prevented. For chronic or progressive musculoskeletal conditions […]